Kamis, 22 September 2011

MATLAB 2010 Networking Simulation Progamming (Download) and INFO

Dalam hal ini MATLAB juga bisa untuk melakukan network simulator, tetapi istilah dalam MATLAB adalah SIMULINK and MATLAB dimana MATLAB akan memberikan simulator tentang jaringan yang kita buat dengan hanya drag and drop serta memasukkan beberapa script code yang diperlukan untuk jalur yang akan digunakan

Download LINK

untuk part 29 nya :

Mathworks Matlab R2010a ISO-TBE | 5.02 GB Mathworks.Matlab.R2010a.UNIX.ISO-TBE | 4.46 GB

What's New in Release 2010a

Release 2010a includes new features in MATLAB and Simulink, one new product, and updates and bug fixes to 85 other products. Subscribers to MathWorks Software Maintenance Service can download product updates. Beginning with R2010a, PolySpace products require activation. Visit the License Center to download products, activate software, and manage your license and user information.

New capabilities for the MATLAB product family include:

* Additional multithreaded math functions and enhancements to file sharing, path management, and the desktop in MATLAB
* New System objects for stream processing in MATLAB, with over 140 supported algorithms in Video and Image Processing Blockset and Signal Processing Blockset
* Multicore support and performance enhancements for over 50 functions and expanded support for large images in Image Processing Toolbox
* New nonlinear solvers in Global Optimization Toolbox and Optimization Toolbox
* Ability to generate Simscape language equations from Symbolic Math Toolbox
* Stochastic approximation expectation-maximization (SAEM) and pharmacokinetic dosing schedules support in SimBiology

New capabilities for the Simulink product family include:

* Tunable parameter structures, triggered model blocks, and function call branching for large-scale modeling in Simulink
* Code generation support for Eclipse, Embedded Linux, and ARM processors in Embedded IDE Link and Target Support Package
* ISO 26262 certification for Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder and PolySpace products in IEC Certification Kit
* DO-178B qualification support extended to model coverage in DO Qualification Kit
* Simulink PLC Coder, a new product for generating IEC 61131 structured text for PLCs and PACs

Mathworks.Matlab.R2010a.ISO-TBE | NFO

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