Kamis, 22 September 2011

NS 2 Network Simulating for Linux

Mungkin temen-temen bingung dan sangat bingung untuk bisa mencari software NS 2 untuk linux ini, saya hanya bisa share versi linux nya karena dalam integrasi dan instalasi pada linux lebih enak daripada versi Windows nya

The Network Simulator: Building Ns

This page describes ns version 2.

Where to Start

What hardware is needed? To build ns you need a computer and a C++ compiler. We develop ns on several kinds of Unix (FreeBSD, Linux, SunOS, Solaris), so it installs smoothest there, but it should run on an Posix-like computer, possibly with some tweaking. Ns also builds and runs under Windows, see the dedicated Windows / Cygwin page. Simple scenarios should run on any reasonable machine, but very large scenarios benefit from large amounts of memory. Ns is fairly large. The allinone package requires about 320MB of disk space to build. Building ns from pieces can save some disk space. (If multiple people want to share files in the ns build tree to save space, you may download a simple perl script, then follow the instruction in its README. There is detailed instruction from CS599b class of USC. You may also find discussions in the ns-users mailing list archive useful.)
How do I get the software? There are two ways to build ns: from all the pieces or all at once. If you just want to try it out quickly, you might try all at once. If you want to do C-level developement, or save download time or disk space, or have trouble with all-in-one you should build it from the pieces.
As of November, 2005, ns is available at SourceForge.

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